What are the advantages of crossbows?
Crossbows provide longevity, speed, and accuracy that bowhunters need to hunt game. Compared to traditional bows, crossbows have a few advantages, including:
· Quick accuracy – Shooters, with training, can produce accurate shots from 5 – 60 metres.
· No drawing motion – With a flatter arrow trajectory and no required drawing motion, crossbows are easy to operate.
· Better stability – Their design allows for longer holding times on the target without any muscle fatigue.
· Shotting position – They allow for shooting in a prone position.
How far will a crossbow shoot?
A modern crossbow can shoot an effective range of 30 – 50 yards depending on the shooter’s skill level.
Where is it legal to own a crossbow in Canada?
According to the Government of Canada, as crossbows aren’t classified as a firearm, anyone over 18 years old can purchase a crossbow over 500 mm in length that requires two hands to use. Those you can aim and fire with one hand and 500 mm or less are prohibited.
Do I need a license to own a crossbow in Canada?
No, you do not need a license to own a non-prohibited crossbow.
To find everything else you need relating to bows, shop our selection of sights, stabilizers, arrows, and more.