What are the four types of ventilation in a home?
There are four main types of ventilation systems commonly used in modern buildings:
Exhaust - exhaust ventilation systems are the most common in cold climates and work by blowing air out of the house and passively drawing in outside air.
Supply - these work opposite to exhaust systems by actively drawing in outside air and are more common in warm climates.
Balanced - balanced ventilation systems work like combination exhaust/supply systems, providing fresh air and getting rid of polluted air.
Heat Recovery - the most complex ventilation system, energy recovery ventilation uses outgoing air to treat incoming air, heating it in cold weather and cooling it in hot weather.
Is home ventilation necessary?
Yes, home ventilation systems can keep your house at a more comfortable temperature, improve air quality and airflow, and eliminate odours and excess humidity. Air quality is a major factor in quality of life, so every modern home comes with a ventilation system.