Do you need one or two trekking poles for hiking?
The number of trekking poles you need for hiking depends on several factors, such as the difficulty of the terrain and individual preferences. Try using one walking stick for shorter hikes at lower elevation levels and with little variation in the terrain. This not only helps you with the stability and support you need, but with the added benefit of carrying less weight, you can finish your treks faster. Carrying a single hiking pole is easier as they're collapsible and can be conveniently stored in your backpack.
However, if you're hiking on challenging terrain with uneven surfaces and at a higher elevation, consider using two trekking poles. The additional support and stability of using two poles can boost your confidence and safety. Also, extra points of contact on the surface will reduce the stress and pressure on your joints and muscles, leaving you feeling more refreshed during your journey.
Are all trekking poles the same size or adjustable in length?
Maximize your adventure experience by exploring the different trekking pole features each brand and design offers. Some walking poles have a fixed length, meaning they're not adjustable in height. Usually, these kinds of walking sticks for hiking are lightweight and only serve as a support mechanism for short, familiar trails. Trekking poles are another great option, since they’re adjustable in height, easily collapsible and have features such as springs for shock absorption. Explore our wide selection of trekking and walking poles for people of all ages.
Browse our collection for more camping and hiking gear, such as tents, shelters, sleeping bags, hiking boots, and more. To find out How to Choose a Tent, read our guides for more information.