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Walker Exhaust Quiet-Flow

Walker Quiet-Flow SS Muffler (Boxed)

#112-0935-0|Part #21544
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  • Part Number: 21544
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Product Details

Walker Exhaust's Quiet-Flow SS Muffler delivers on its name with a full stainless steel construction for OE durability and a low, refined sound. The precision engineering ensures a perfect fit and superior flow for OE performance without sacrificing noise reduction. Spun-locked heads, internal partitions, spot welds and louvered tube technology work together to minimize noise while maximizing part life. The internal drainage system and mechanical joints between tubes and partitions allow for expansion and contraction to avoid loose parts and additional noise over the muffler's long service life.

  • Walker® Quiet-Flow SS Muffler features a 100% stainless steel construction

  • Precision fit, superior flow and OE-style sound and performance

  • Fits like OE because Walker makes OE

  • Spun-locked heads help resist ruptures due to backfires

  • Durable internal partitions for greater interior structural stability and a long service life

  • Strong, OE-style spot welds help improve structural stability and increase durability

  • OE-style louvered tube technology lowers the engine emissions noise level for a premium, OE-style sound

  • OE-style domed heads help reduce radiated noise

  • A complete internal drainage system helps prevent condensate acids from collecting between partitions or at the muffler heads

  • Internal tubes are mechanically joined to the partition to allow expansion and contraction during temperature changes; this special design helps eliminate the breaking of spot welds and subsequent part distortion or loose part noise problems
