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Haynes Classic Manuals are the product of Haynes technicians performing a stripdown and rebuild of thousands of vehicles over decades in one of our world-renowned Haynes Workshops. Crafted from original material from the Haynes vaults, this manual was first printed more than 30 years ago and is now available exclusively as part of our Classic Manual category. The legendary mechanics and authors who created these titles may have since retired, but we have carefully maintained the original information so that you can purchase a brand-new edition for your classic or modern classic vehicle.
Haynes Automotive Manual is suitable for Toyota pick-ups, 4-Runner and SR5 Sport Truck 1979-1995 (excludes diesel engine, T100 or Tacoma information)
For simple maintenance to basic repairs
Includes clear instructions and easy-to-follow photos that show each step
Step-by-step procedures
Complete troubleshooting section
Valuable short cuts
Spark plug colour diagnosis