Every great lawn and garden starts with loose, fertile soil. Tillers break new ground, cultivators help with weeding and mixing, while dethatchers clear the way for water and nutrients.
Behind Every Great Lawn is a Greater Set of Tools
What does a tiller do?
A tiller breaks new ground by breaking up hard soil to prepare garden beds for planting.
Why should I use a cultivator?
The purpose of a cultivator is to disturb soil that has already been loosened to prepare it for seeding. It also mixes in compost or fertilizer and kills weeds.
How does a dethatcher work and what is the benefit of using one?
A dethatcher uses metal tines to comb over grass and pull thatch up to the surface, which can then be bagged or composted. Thatch is a tight layer of live and dead stems, leaves and roots that builds up between the actively growing grass and the soil - removing it allows air, water and nutrients to better reach plant and grass roots.
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