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About Triangle ID

What is a Triangle ID?

A Triangle ID is an easy way to log in to your account across all of our banners with just a single email and password.  

I already have a Canadian Tire account. Do I need to create a Triangle ID?

No, you do not need to create a Triangle ID. Your existing email and password that you use to sign into your Triangle Rewards® account on, the Triangle app, as well as your account on and the Canadian Tire app, will now be your Triangle ID.  

What if I have a Triangle credit card, how do I sign in?

You can use your Triangle credit card login when you sign into the Triangle App or your online account. You will use your Triangle ID credentials when you want to sign into your Triangle Rewards or Canadian Tire account. 

Do I need a Triangle ID if I am already a Triangle Rewards® member?

If you have registered your Triangle Rewards card online, then you already have a Triangle ID! Your Triangle Rewards email and password are your Triangle ID credentials. You can now use these login credentials to access your Triangle Rewards account on, the Triangle App, as well as your account on and the Canadian Tire App. 

Where do I use my Triangle ID?

You can use your Triangle ID credentials to sign into your Triangle Rewards® account on, the Triangle App, as well as your account on and the Canadian Tire App.  

How do I merge a Triangle Rewards® card?

On and 
Sign in using your Triangle ID credentials 
Go to the “My Account” tab and locate the “Add a card” section 
Here, you will be able to add a card to your profile and start collecting electronic Canadian Tire Money® instantly! If you’re still having issues merging a Triangle Rewards card to your account, please give us a ring at 1-800-226-8473. 

Why do I need to verify my email?

Verifying your email is an important step in creating your Triangle ID account. This step is an added security measure we have in place to help prevent identity fraud. You’ll receive an email with a 6-digit code, which you will use to verify that it’s you.  

What do I do if I’m locked out?

Don’t sweat it. Your account is safe, and you can try logging in again in approximately 2 hours. If you want some more information on our lockout process, feel free to give us a ring. 
Triangle Rewards: 1-800-226-8473 

How do I use my digital Triangle Rewards® card in-store?

You can access your digital Triangle Rewards card by downloading the Triangle App or signing into your account on or You can also add your card to your digital wallet through the Triangle App. 

Where can I find my digital Triangle Rewards® card?

Desktop Access: 
Sign in using your Triangle ID credentials 
Select “My Account” and you can find your “My Digital Card” here 
Sign in using your Triangle ID credentials 
Select your profile name in the top right corner 
A drop down menu will appear, select “My Digital Card” here 
Mobile Access: 
Sign in using your Triangle ID credentials 
Locate and select “My Account” within the menu in the top left corner 
Select “My Digital Card” 
Sign in using your Triangle ID credentials 
Locate and select “My Account” within the menu in the top left corner 
Select “My Digital Card” 
On Triangle App: 
Hit “cards” section

Select “rewards”

Tap the card to show your barcode to scan

