What are the different types of camping bags?
For day trips, hikes, and shorter outdoor excursions, a smaller camping or hiking backpack is likely your best option. Look for a backpack that is both comfortable and spacious, with padded sleeves and pockets for safe storage. Camping backpacks are usually made from heavy-duty polyester and can be found in water-repellant styles for both men and women. For longer trips and outings, opt for a dufflestyle outdoor cargo bag. These bags tend to be larger than standard camping and hiking backpacks, with up to 130-L storage capacity in select styles. These expedition-grade bags often feature a larger main compartment for all your outdoor gear and are usually made from high-quality PVC or polyester.
What size camping bag do I need?
Camping bags come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Backpack-style camping bags most often range from 20-L capacity to 70-L, which includes kids’ bags, adult bags, standard daytrip backpacks, and larger hiking packs designed for longer trips or multi-day adventures.
Duffle-style camping bags generally range from 60-L to 130-L in capacity, with most styles featuring a large main storage compartment, making them optimal for car camping. Look for a duffle with a comfortable shoulder strap and added security pockets and pouches.
Hydration Packs
Stay hydrated on the trail and beyond with comfortable and versatile hydration packs, in a range of sizes and styles.
Dry Bags & Hip Packs
You can also keep your belongings dry on hikes and while camping with versatile dry bags, hip packs and more protective and water-resistant packs.