· Wall Lateral Pulldowns (lats, upper back)
· Modified Side Plank Leg Lifts (obliques, glutes)
· High Plank Leg Lifts (obliques, glutes, hamstrings)
· Triceps Extension (triceps)
· Bicep Curls (biceps)
Squats (glutes, thighs)
· Shoulder External Rotations (shoulders, upper back)
· Fire Hydrant (glutes, hamstrings)
Are resistance bands effective for muscle building?
Yes, resistance bands are excellent when it comes to building muscle. While bands won’t result in the same amount of muscle activation and growth as weight training, they offer a convenient, portable method to train practically anywhere – from a home gym to a hotel room. As resistance bands come in different tension levels, you can progressively increase the amount of tension you're using to build muscle. Keep in mind that over time, your body will get used to this form of training, so ensure you’re consistently upping the tension over time, while also recovering properly between sessions.
How do exercise resistance bands work?
Exercise resistance bands work by using oppositional force to train and build up muscle groups. This means the more you pull on the band, the heavier it will feel. You can also easily adjust your workout intensity by either opting for a band with a higher resistance, or moving the band around to various tension points, from your upper body to your lower body.