Why should I buy a fly fishing kit?
Especially for beginners, these kits allow you to get everything you’ll need to make your first casts. The kit may include a rod, reel, line, flies, and a case to protect your rod and reel. It often takes more practice and a little more time to understand the equipment used for fly fishing, so a kit will help prepare you and ensure you don’t forget anything important.
What else does a beginner fly fisherman need?
Beginner fishermen should have the following fly fishing supplies:
· A fly rod: A mid-weight and length are most suitable to start with.
· A fly fishing reel: Attached to the end of your rod, it serves to distribute and reel back your line.
· Fly fishing line: The coloured or transparent string that comes in a variety of weights to fit a variety of reels.
· Weights: A weight will help position your fly down to the fish.
· Flies: Artificial items used to trick a fish into taking the bait. They are crafted to imitate certain types of insects or baitfish.
· A fly box: Found in many shapes, sizes, colours, and styles, fly boxes are made to keep your flies safe and dry and can often fit in your vest or wader pockets.
For other fly fishing supplies such as apparel, lines, and more, shop our entire selection.