When buying a new net, consider the netting material, mesh size, hoop size and shape, and handle length and material. For example, delicate fish will require a small micro-mesh net, while larger species require a larger net made of heavier mesh with inch-wide holes. Longer handles perform better on large bodies of water, while short handles are great for compact spaces.
What are the different types of fishing nets?
There are a variety of different nets including dip nets, landing nets, surrounding nets, and more. Landing nets feature a classic long handle and hoop and are commonly used to fish carp, catfish, and other fish of a similar size. Telescoping nets have handles that extend to multiple feet and a deep basket mesh for effective catching. Some fishing nets also have micro mesh nets for easy catch and release.
Why should I bring a net when I go fishing?
Fishing nets are both used to fish and to keep the fish safe after reeling in a catch. When fishing, it can help get the fish out of the water and into the boat as fast as possible.
To add other fishing accessories to your collection, shop our selection of fishing line, fishing knives and more.