Make sure you are ready for your adventure with our range of camping and hiking gear. Whether for a day trip in the mountains or a several-day getaway, Canadian Tire has a wide range of supplies for all sorts of occasions, including tents and shelters, sleeping bags, camp stoves, furniture, hiking boots, backpacks, lights, outdoor portable heaters, and other accessories from brands like Woods, Coleman, Black Diamond, and Outbound.
What camping gear do I need before my trip?
It’s important to be well-packed and ready to go when it comes to a camping trip. Depending on how long and where you will be camping, you may need more gear or less gear. However, there is some camping equipment you won’t want to leave behind, including:
· First aid kit
· A tent
· An air mattress or sleeping bag
· Flashlight
· Map and compass or GPS
· Drinking water and a reusable water bottle
· Cooking equipment
· Campfire wood
· Fire starting equipment
· A tarp
· Personal care items
· Insect repellent
· Sunscreen
These items are important to have in case of emergencies, for basic comfort, and to help make your trip a success. To make sure you’re prepared, read our guide on How to Get Ready for Camping.
What essential hiking equipment do I need?
Especially if you’re planning a multi-day, full-day or overnight hike, good organization is ideal. Before your hike, make sure you have the important hiking gear you’ll need to stay safe, find your direction, and conquer the hike properly, including:
· Headlamp or flashlight
· Water bottle
· Extra clothing
· GPS or map and compass
· Fire starter
· First aid kit
· Sun protection
· Snacks for energy
What is the best camping setup?
If you’re camping old-school, make sure you find a good site to set up camp. You want to find flat land with good privacy and safety to pitch your tent and lay out your belongings. Avoid slopes and try to find a plot that is higher up. Ensure you have ample, locked storage and keep trash away from your tent in a designated trash can so animals can’t access your things. When it comes to your kitchen area, keep your food in bags and organize your pantry properly. For more advice on camping cooking tools, read our guide to learn How to Choose Camping Cooking Equipment.
What should I leave at home when hiking or camping?
Always stick to the necessities when hiking or camping and forget about bringing any unnecessary extras like valuable, jewelry, bulky items, and extra gadgets. Avoid taking along things that are considered luxuries or too many spare items – chances are you’ll only need one spare.