What is the purpose of a garbage disposal?
Garbage disposal units let you get rid of food waste by shredding it and flushing it down the sink drain. Using a powerful electric motor and durable blades, garbage disposals shred or liquify common food waste up to small bones, so you won't have to put it out with the garbage or compost it.
Is a garbage disposal worth it?
If you want to avoid the odours of food waste in the garbage or compost, a garbage disposal can handle most scraps, so you can rinse dishes and flush most of the mess down the sink. Garbage disposal units can speed up and simplify kitchen cleaning.
What can I put down a garbage disposal?
Poultry bones, fruit peels and cores, and many common food waste scraps can be put down a garbage disposal. A good rule of thumb is that most things you can cut with a knife can safely go in.
What shouldn't go into a garbage disposal?
Anything you wouldn't usually flush down the sink drain, especially artificial materials like plastic, and food waste like larger bones that could jam the blades. Grease should not be rinsed into a garbage disposal as it can clog the unit. Check manufacturer instructions to see what is recommended for your unit, and what should be avoided.
How long do garbage disposals last?
If used carefully, garbage disposals can last for many years. Generally, you can expect about 10 years of operation from a garbage disposal unit.
How do I know when to replace my garbage disposal?
If your garbage disposal unit starts clogging very often, leaks, smells, becomes louder than usual, or starts working very slowly, that may be a sign that it's wearing out and needs replacement. Swapping garbage disposal parts may clear up some issues.
What features should I look for in a garbage disposal?
There are several things to keep in mind when choosing a garbage disposal unit. The motor power will determine how much and what kind of foods can be disposed, 3/4 horsepower and higher is considered heavy duty. Sound reduction and installation options like sink top switches can also make it more comfortable to use. Garbage disposal accessories cover a wide range of needs, but a compatible sink stopper is a good one to have.