Why are wooden dowels important?
Wooden dowels are a common type of fastener in carpentry and furniture assembly, fitting snugly in holes and connecting panels or other structural elements. Button, round or flat wooden plugs can be used as decorative elements or to close holes and can be stained or painted.
How do you secure wooden dowels?
Wooden dowels are typically secured with carpenter's glue, but for some furniture or projects, dowels can fit snugly enough that they don't need to be glued.
What size do wooden dowels come in?
Wooden dowel rods come in a wide variety of diameters from 6.35 to 50.8 millimetres, to fit a variety of projects.
What can I use instead of dowel rods?
Screws can be used instead of dowel rods, but they will leave marks and can damage or strip soft materials. Dowel rods create a strong connection between wooden parts, especially when glued.