If flagging a boundary, you can continue unrolling from your initial knot and wrapping it around any additional objects that make up the area you’d like to mark. Once finished, cut your tape off with enough length to tie a knot on your final marked object.
How long does flagging tape last outdoors?
The durability of PVC-made flagging tape used outside varies based on weather conditions. In moderate temperatures and climates, PVC flagging tape can last 5 years and more if not removed or blown away by wind. If temperature nears 50-degrees-Celsius, heat and long exposure to sunshine can damage and distort the flagging tape over time. In cold weather, flagging tape can become brittle and worn down if the temperature drops below -6-degrees-Celsius.
When to use reflective flagging tape?
Use reflective flagging tape in areas that can be poorly lit or dark. This tape will make it easy for you and others to find any markings as it is both bright and can reflect light from sunlight, flashlights, etc.
What's the difference between standard and reflective flagging tape?
The difference between the two is that reflective flagging tape can reflect light, which improves visibility of any markings in dimly lit conditions.