Fire up your grill with a selection of BBQ lighters and fire starters, including lighter fluid, torches, and charcoal chimneys.
The Best BBQ Lighters for Your Grill
Looking for the one that is right for you? Here are a few quick tips to help you decide.
What is the difference between lighter fluid and charcoal starters?
Lighter fluid and charcoal starters are both convenient and quick ways to get your grill fired up and going.
A charcoal chimney starter is a large canister bin made from sturdy aluminized steel that requires lighter cubes or briquettes. The two-handle charcoal starters ensure more safety and control when pouring the lit charcoal onto your grill.
Lighter fluid can be used as an easy and quick start to your barbecue. Simply apply it with any charcoal or wood base before lighting.
How can I ignite charcoal without lighter fluid?
To safely ignite your charcoal BBQ without lighter fluid, you can use pieces of newspaper and build up the coals around it. Then simply use any classic lighter or utility lighter to ignite the charcoal.
From keeping your grill clean to having the right tools and accessories, Canadian Tire has everything you need to safely enjoy your grill and make the most of your outdoor cooking experience.