When should you use landscape fabric and weed barriers?
Landscape fabric is useful to reduce the amount of time digging or pulling weeds from your garden. As opposed to using herbicides that include chemicals, these weed barriers are long-lasting, easy-toinstall fabrics made of woven fibres that are perforated to allow water, nutrients, and air to reach the soil. They also help prevent erosion and offer temperature control.
How often do I need to replace landscape fabric?
Although weed barriers last up to 5 – 10 years on average, they will need to be replaced as they degrade over time. They can also be damaged from weeds growing above the fabric or from gardening tools like rakes or forks.
Is landscape fabric better than plastic?
When it comes to choosing what type of material to use, it is recommended to select a weed fabric as they are specifically made to tackle the intricacies of plant environments. Plastic covers may seem like an easy way to keep moisture in and warm the soil, but they are not a breathable material and may trap too much moisture. As landscape fabrics are made with materials like linen and polyester, they provide aeration and allow overly wet soil to dry out. They also won’t weigh down on plants like plastic will. When properly installed, these fabrics can last years, in comparison to plastics that break down quickly in heat or under sunlight.
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