What are the common signs of chemical imbalances in pool or hot tub water?
If the water looks cloudy, there is likely an imbalance, and you should test the water quality to confirm.
How often should I test the water in my pool or spa for chemical balance?
You should test your water weekly, plus whenever you think the pool or spa has an imbalance.
What are the essential chemicals for maintaining a clean and safe pool or hot tub?
The top pool and hot tub chemicals you need for safe water include:
1. Water Test Kits & Strips – Contain chemicals and accessories to test chlorine, bromine, PH levels, and alkalinity.
2. Chlorine or Bromine – Both sanitize the water, keeping it free of bacteria.
3. Balancers – Help maintain stable pH levels and balanced alkalinity.
4. Shock Treatments – Kills algae and bacteria.
5. Pool Opening & Closing Kits – Contain all pool chemicals needed to prep the water at the beginning and end of the season.
Other cleaning supplies include clarifiers and algaecides for occasional intensive treatments as needed. Cleaning solutions for pool or spa filters are also essential and should be used as recommended by manufacturers.
What safety precautions should I take when handling pool and spa chemicals?
Wear gloves and eye protection when handling pool or hot tub cleaners, never mix chemicals and always follow manufacturers’ user guidelines. Store chemicals in a ventilated, dry place and off the ground.
For more tips and pool or hot tub maintenance products, explore our assortment of cleaning equipment and accessories.