Why are carbon monoxide detectors important?
Since carbon monoxide is an odourless gas, a detector is the only way to know if there are unsafe levels in the air. Carbon monoxide poisoning will make you ill and can cause you to lose consciousness, so a detector is important.
Where should a carbon monoxide detector be placed?
It's recommended to have at least one detector on each floor of your home, including the basement. A CO alarm should be near every fuel burning appliance, such as ovens and furnaces. Having detectors near bedrooms is a good idea. You can place carbon monoxide detectors on the ceiling or wall, with 5 feet from the floor being an optimal height.
What can trigger a carbon monoxide alarm?
Unsafe concentrations of carbon monoxide gas will trigger the alarm to sound, letting you know it's time to ventilate your home, open the windows for fresh air, and call in the experts to detect where the leak is coming from. It’s important to have multiple detectors so that you can be sure every part of your home is safe.
Do I need both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors?
It's a good idea to have both types, and many detectors can alert you to both smoke and carbon monoxide. Getting a 2-in-1 detector is a great way to stay aware of carbon monoxide and fire.