What is the difference between a convertible car seat and an all in one?
A convertible car seat travels both rear and forward facing and it is designed for a safe and secure ride from newborn to child through to 6 years old (depending on the brand’s weight and height limits).
All-in-one car seats (also known as 3-in-1 and 4-in-1) are similar to convertible car seats, but they can be used longer because it serves multiple stages. They’re also designed to be rear and forward-facing, but additionally, they can be converted into a booster seat.
What age do you switch to a convertible car seat?
It is required by law that newborns and infants should ride in a rear-facing car seat to protect and support their necks and backs. When your child is able to be positioned front facing (according to weight requirements), a convertible car seat may be turned to fit that position and direction.
It’s cost-efficient and convenient to invest in a convertible car seat so your child can get years of use out of one seat.
For more information, see our guide on How to choose a car seat.