Are dollies and hand trucks the same thing?
Sometimes these terms can be used interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two. Most hand trucks you’ll find have two wheels, and a small base capable of sliding underneath objects so you can leverage them for easy transportation. Dolly carts on the other hand tend to have four wheels and can be paired with other dolly carts to carry larger items.
Are there weight restrictions on hand carts and dollies?
You would use a hand truck to haul an appliance and wheel it behind or push it in front of you. On the other hand, you could lift a sofa onto multiple dolly carts so that furniture can now easily be wheeled around.
Are hand carts easier to maneuver than dollies?
Having both tools on hand is a great way to make moving day easier. One is not necessarily easier to use than the other. Once you’ve made the big move with these tools, check out our selection of plastic storage containers to make organizing in your new space as simple as possible.
How do you secure items to a hand truck?
The best way to secure an item to a hand truck would be to use a hand truck strap, ideally one with hook and loop mechanisms. By looping this strap around the item you want to secure, then hooking it into a beam on the hand truck’s frame, you can move heavier items with ease and security.