What are flower bulbs?
Bulbs are plants that store their complete life cycle. This means they can be planted in one season and stored in the ground until they flower in the right season. Some bulbs need weeks of cold temperatures before blooming, while others won’t survive in cold climates.
What plant seeds to buy for each season?
Vegetable seeds and fruit seeds have designated seasons that are considered the best time to plant. Many vegetables and fruit can also spend some time growing indoors to germinate and sprout. Then, they are either transplanted to your garden or can stay indoors until they are ready for harvesting. It's a good idea to read up on the plants you’re interested in growing to determine the best method that includes length of time, temperature, and soil mixture they need for optimal growth.
What plant/flower seeds can be used indoors?
There are a great variety of plant and flower seeds that can be planted indoors, including:
· Marigolds
· Cauliflower
· Tomatoes
· Okra
· Basil
· Eggplant
· Peppers
· Broccoli
What plant/flower seeds can be used outdoors?
Many seeds can also be directly planted outdoors, but they require knowing when the best time to sow is. For example, cool-season crops like arugula, carrots, peas, kale, and spinach should be directly sowed several weeks before the last frost. You can also start many nightshade plants indoors and transplant them to your garden later, such as eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes.
Canadian Tire has a vast selection of seed starting trays, bulbs, seeds, and more for harvesting and creating a beautiful garden. To find everything you’ll need for your garden, visit our lawn and garden centre.